
AMERICAN ELECTION 2020 , Live and Learn

By - Admin Nov 08, 2020 5 Mins Read
AMERICAN ELECTION 2020 , Live and Learn
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I am shocked that voting has been this close. It's unimaginable to me that almost half of the American voted for Donald Trump knowing what this man has done to this country over the last 4 years. He is the first president who created hate amongst us, no doubt about it. Division, name calling, putting people down, talking bullshit with no facts is his style. He alienated us from our allies, he put children into the cages without any mercy, he hid his tax returns, he is anti LGBTQ, he tear gassed peaceful protestors, he pardoned all his criminal buddies. And to put cherry on the top, he called Nazis/ Racist fine people! Oh come on now, really? He influenced Racism and divided the country. He undermined our Democracy. Ruthlessly, he downplayed and misled us about Coronavirus which killed thousands of people, our loved ones, that hasn't stopped yet and cases are soaring up. This tells us he only cares about the money. So, is it economy over humanity??? I totally understand we need to open up the businesses, can't stay home and wait for things to get better but we also need to be precautious and listen to the scientists rather than calling it a hoax. Donald Trump could have taken better route by listening to science and his Covid Prevention Task Force, as simple as that.� In my point of view, he probably would have won this election without a doubt if only he got out from his stubbornness, self-centered and unpresidential mentality. He was a president for all Americans not only his supporters. He should have cared for his peopIe, I mean PEOPLE from both sides (Red/Blue). Looks like he should have taken Presidency 101 before he decided to run for the office. Even though I was a registered Republican, I didn't go for this Republican President, reasons known to all. I think we should go for the potential candidate and their work ethics and morale values who can uplift all Americans rather than focusing on a tunnel vision attitude like my way or highway. Like we update our cars and cell phones, we should update our vision too according to the situation. We must get out of our closed believe window and think outside the box. Rather than following a party your friends and family have been endorsing, you should evaluate a candidate and choose a leader who understands the Constitutional principles upon which this great nation was founded, but is setting an innovative vision ahead that moves us all to a better place. That's what I did for this Election. It's not the party, but it's the candidate that matters. Due to Donald Trump's autocracy, ill mentality and incompetent presidency, we will be suffering for a long time. I feel hurt because most of you folks have voted him again knowing the consequences. I must say what a shame. Well, live and learn, right? But there is a HOPE, Hope is such an influential tool to heal our wounds. Let's join hands and put these negativity inside the closet by staying optimistic and move forward to make a better life for us and our future generations. We must regain our trust by respecting each individual regardless of their ethnicity and political background. By now we all know respecting and supporting each other is an essential element to build our nation back to normal like before. Hopefully Biden and Harris administration has learnt from this presidency, what to do and what not to- like they are for the people by the people. We have high hopes with Kamala Harris, Vice President who is an example for all the Immigrants, especially women of color to dream Big and achieve it, BIG RESPECT. And I salute a white man Joe Biden who picked a minority to be his backbone. Now, that's a real AMERICA that I know from more than two decades. I have never experienced any racial slur while I was in college years in Utah and work life in Florida / North Carolina. Maybe I was very fortunate to have such a caring and uplifting individuals in my life or maybe America was a better place back then, I don't know. But I hope every immigrant gets treated well and doesn't not fall victim of racism and discrimination as I know for sure that not all Caucasians are Racist. Lastly, America knows no one is going to take our democracy away from us. Not now, not ever. History tells us, America has come too far, fought too many battles, and endured too much to let that happen. Biden administration should realize people can make it as well as break it so let's hope for the best future of our democratic nation and I thank America for giving us better opportunities to fulfill our dreams. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
About Resh Marhatta: Resh Marhatta is an actor ,film maker and a business instructor by profession. Resh holds a black belt in Moo lim do and has participated in various international body building competitions. He started training his clients in his early college years in Weber State University. Marhatta was selected as Asia Youth Icon 2015 in Singapore. Mr. Marhatta also received an honorary doctorate degree from Kings University USA in 2016 for his achievements. He has also written a column for 12 issues in Vibes magazine.
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