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100 Ethnic Dishes of Nepal

Nepal, though seems smaller in land area is indeed greater than large in terms of natural, cultural and ethnic diversity. This diversity has in recent days created some manageable problems or issues which a visionary political leadership can easily take on by widening their heart &stepping to resolve it.

Here, we are definitely not focusing on the problem but are discussing on the asset which we did not bother to even think of rather had been enjoying foreign delicacies. Some of the staple food of specific region of our country though rich in nutrition and cost effective to prepare, we have neglected to the extent of extinction. While researching on Nepali Ethnic food we came across more than hundred varieties; still the quest of this research has not come to the end. Here, we take the pleasure of presenting hundred ethnic dishes and their short description to celebrate 100th Issue of Food & Wine Magazine.� We are sure that we might have missed some of ethnic dishes which you might feel should have included in the list. This might be merely due to our ignorance. We request our readers to share your knowledge about such dishes with us in the given email address at the end of this article so that we could include them in coming days.      
  1. Aloo ko Achaar
Every household prepare this dish almost regularly, and festivals are always incomplete without this. This is a boiled potato relish served with meals. 2.Aloo Tama Bodi Potato and fermented Bamboo Shoot Curry when cooked with Black Eyed Beans give a peculiar and mouth watering Aroma that no one can resist. Full of flavor, this curry is taken with rice or chiura 3. Amilo ra Masala ko Achaar Lime or any sour citrus fruit juice is cooked in oil with various spices and chillies to make this pickle. Can be stored for a very long time.
  1. Baji Set
Baji set includes chiura, bhatmas sandeko, chhoyela, saag, bodi, aloo tama, anda, bara, achaar etc. This can have few to many items as per the convenience and season. This full meal set is the favorite of many people all year around.
  1. Bangur ko Khutti ko Achaar
Very popular food of Dharan, it is a relish prepared from boiled leg of pug or wild boar.
  1. Bara
Bara is lentil pancake either made from green or black lentil. Generally topped with mince and or egg, Bara is eaten with curry of Water Buffalo.
  1. Bhakka�
Bhakka is a breakfast item of Eastern Nepal. It�s a street delicacy, kind of cake in patty shape prepared from rice flour and steamed. The cake is placed on a muslin cloth above a clay pot in which water is boiled.    
  1. Bhatmas Sandeko
Black soybeans, deep fried and marinated with various spices, flavored with green chillies, ginger and garlic, served as it is or with beaten rice.
  1. Bhogate Sandeko
Bhogate, a type of Sweet and Sour Grapefruit is mixed with yogurt, sugar, salt, chillies and are tempered with mustard oil and fenugreek seeds to make this afternoon snack for winter afternoons when a group of families and friend sit together under the warm sun and consume this dish. Other citrus fruits can also be added to Bhogate.
  1. Bhuttan
One of the favorite snacks of Nepalese, Bhuttan is boiled and deep fried offals of Water Buffalo or Lamb/ Sheep/ Goat.
  1. Bilaura
Overnight soaked beans and sometimes pulses are boiled (make sure they are not over cooked) and then saut�ed with various spices.
  1. Chaku
Chaku is a kind of candy prepared from molten molasses. Dried nuts are added for extra flavor. Whether stuffed in yomari or eaten with ghee in maghesankranti, chaku always pleases people�s taste buds.  
  1. Chamre�
Popular rice dish chamre is cooked by frying rice in ghee, water is added slowly, sweetened with sugar.      
  1. Chatamari
A popular Newari Dish made out of rice flour eaten plain or topped with minced meat and/ or egg;generally served with Buff (Water Buffalo) Gravy.
  1. Chhop
Chhop is powder of roasted dried seeds like til, silam, alas etc. Salt and powdered dried lapsi is used to make this dry relish.
  1. Chhoyela
You can get two types of Chhoyela, Haku Chhoyela in which Red Meat, generally flesh of Water Buffalo is barbequed in paddy straw and Mana Chhoyela where Red or White Meat is boiled. Both are marinated with various spices, specially paste of roasted red chillies and lots of ginger garlic. Green Garlic is also a must for this dish.
  1. Chichar
Chichar is made from steaming Anadi rice- a traditional variety of sticky rice�grown in plains of western Nepal. It is a delicacy generally eaten during the festivals especially by Tharu Community.
  1. Chicken Sandeko
Boiled chicken is cut into strips and marinated with various spices, served cold.
  1. Chukauni
Popular dish of Palpa, Chukauni is a potato relish or a spicy salad dressed in yogurt and spices, tempered with chillies, fenugreek and turmeric.
  1. Dahi Chamal
In poojas and in Asar 15th of every year, Dashi Chamal is eaten as Prasad. Raw rice and yogurt are mixed together with suar and sweet spices like clove, cinnamon and cardamom powder. You can also add dried fruits and nuts for added flavor.
  1. Dalle Khursani ko Achaar
Cherry Pepper dipped in spices and lemon juice solution, pickled, very hot, spicy and sour.
  1. Dhido
Another symbolic dish of the country, Dhido is a pudding made out of maize, buckwheat or Millet flour.
  1. Dhikri
Another popular tharu dish, long round strips of rice flour, steamed. Sometimes various shapes are given to Dhikri, generally in festivals.
  1. Fapar ko Roti
Pancakes created from Buckwheat flour are not just healthy but super tasty too.
  1. Farsi ra Masuko Tarkari
Ripe pumpkin are available everywhere and is eaten in different forms, some make cakes, some pies and some make salads out of it. But Nepalese are always famous for different styles of curries they make. Even pumpkin is made into curry here and when mixed with meat, it is out of the world good in terms of taste.
  1. Fini
Layered refined flour bread, layers separated by using ghee mixed with flour. Fini dough is rolled, layered, cut and deep fried. This crunchy delight is especially prepared in Tihar.
  1. Fulaura
Black Lentil paste, seasoned and deep fried, fulauras are a must in Shraddhas and other events as well.
  1. Furandana
Beaten rice, chips, peanuts, red chillies are deep fried, mixed with salt to make this snack. Everyone's everytime favorite. A must dish in festivals and rituals.
  1. Gatani Dubka
Gahat Dal is soaked overnight, ground and made furaulas out of them, cooked in thick yogurt gravy with spices to make this curry. A Far Western Specialty.
  1. Ghalpula
A perfect example of rechauffe, Ghalpula is cooked from the remaining of earlier day's bhoj. Everything from beaten rice to curries, to bara and beans, meat, all cooked together and consumed.
  1. Ghongi�
Small snails are grabbed from rivers, placed in water so sand and other articles are removed, cooked in water with spices to form a soup. A must dish of Tharu Cuisine.    
  1. Gundpak�
Whether you go out of valley or out of country to meet your family and friends, the top souvenir in the list is Gundpak. A sweet dish of khuwa and gum balls, flavored with nuts and melon eeds, topped with fried gum balls got its name from same gum balls which are known as gund.
  1. Gundruk ko Jhol
This sour soup or stew is symbolic to the cuisine of Nepal. Quick to cook, Gundruk is dried fermented leaves of any leafy vegetable.
  1. Gwaramari
Local Kathmanduities are very much acquainted with Gwaramari, a round deep fried fermented dough balls are favorite breakfast item of Kathmandu people.    
  1. Halwa Swari
Breakfast item composed of Halwa, a wheat flour pudding and Swari, one sided deep fried refined flour bread.
  1. Ilamko Lollypop
Also known as Bambesan, Ilam ko Lollypop is a milk candy available in Ilam and nearby places. They are produced by small cottage industries using local manpower.
  1. Jibro Tareko
Tongue of Water Buffalo, boiled and fried.
  1. Jimbu le Jhaneko Maas ko Daal�
Jimbu is found in Himalayan Region only and is very famous for tempering black lentil in Nepal. The Black Lentil when tempered with Allium (Jimbu) along with ghee gives an unique aroma and taste to the lentil.  
  1. Juju Dhau
Juju Dhau literally means King Curd. Curd is available everywhere but not this special curd called Juju Dhau. It has a thick creamy foam on top with such a flavor which you won't get in any other curd anywhere in the world.
  1. Jwano ko Jhol
Ajwain is fried in ghee, water is added to make a thin soup with salt. Sometimes rice paste is added to thicken. Good for winter months.
  1. Ka Kwa
Fermented Mash is cooked to make Ka Kwa, it has a different aroma and taste and is a rare dish. It's available in household whenever the leftover mash is there in home after making the alcoholic beverages.
  1. Kachila
A very unique dish on its own, Kachila leterally means Raw Meat. It's raw mince marinated with spices. Abundant ginger paste is used and the mince is rubbed vigorously with hands so that the heat of hand and ginger breaks all the tissues and makes Kachila easy on digestion (its almost cooked with hands) and amazing on taste.
  1. Kasar
This is not an everyday dish. It is mostly prepared in weddings as it is believed to create a strong bond between families. Rice flour is mixed with Sakhhar and flavored with crushed peppercorns, tightly folded with hands make very tough and hardened balls.
  1. Keema Anda
Marinated minced meat is placed in a bowl, an egg is broken on top and steamed, a delicious snack.
  1. Kera ko Bungo ko Achaar
A relish prepared from boiled Banana Flowers, mixed with sesame powder and boiled potatoes.
  1. Khalpi��
Pickled ripe golden cucumber chunks flavored with mustard oil and mustard seeds is a must in festivals, especially in Dashain.    
  1. Khariya� ��
Tharu dish Khariya is traditionally served on the occasion of Maghesakranti andis prepared in a traditional clay pot called Dhikuni. Once the rice is steamed, it is wrapped in a banana leaf and then baked under glowing embers.
  1. Khatte�
A simple roasted rice grains, eaten as a snack or with tea.
  1. Khutti ko Suruwa
Soup of goat legs, this dish is nutritious and aids in relieving common cold.
  1. Kinema
Naturally fermented soybeans dish, very popular in Eastern Nepal. Cooked into soup or used as a paste or dip.
  1. Koiralo ko Achaar
Koiralo is an edible flower known as Mountain Ebony in English language. It is boiled, mixed with boiled potatoes and marinated with sesame paste to make spicy relish. Kaoiralo can also be cooked as a curry with potatoes.
  1. Kwati�
Kwati, the literal meaning is Hot Liquid is a soup or sometimes taken as a curry is prepared with nine different bean and pulses and is eaten everywhere in the country specially in winter months. There is a day celebrated as Kwati Punhi by Newars and Janai Purnima by others when this dish is a must.
  1. Lai Kwa
Lai Kwa is also a famous dish of Newars created from Radishes, slow cooked to the consistency of a thick soup.
  1. Lakhamari
Deep fried and sugar dipped hard bread, Lakhamari is created from the mixture of Black Lentil and Rice Flour.
  1. Lapsi Candy
Lapsi Candy is candied lapsi paste and sugar, very famous, another popular souvenir food from Nepal.
  1. Lapsi ko Guliyo Achaar
Lapsi is abundantly available and is prepared in various ways. In this sweet relish, lapsi is cooked in oil with lots of sugar or molasses.
  1. Local Kukhurako Jhol�
Free grown in home hen are cooked to stew to make this dish, can be eaten with rice or dhido.
  1. Mada
Layered Pancake cooked upto seven layers. This is a special diet of Far Western Nepal. A lot of skill is required to create these layers.
  1. Makai Bhatmas
Bhutekomakaibhatmas are staple diet of a lot of people of the country. Just add a green chilly ground with salt and you are ready. Just make sure your teeth are strong enough.
  1. Maseura
Taro Leaves and Black Lentil paste is made into small balls and dried. It can be cooked to curry with potatoes or other vegetables. The most popular version is gundruk, bhatmas and maseura ko tarkari.
  1. Masyang ko Daal
Masyang is Himalayan pulses and is available in Mountainous region. It is cooked as stew and is eaten with rice and curries.
  1. Mi Kwa
Fenugreek is considered as a healthy option for high blood pressure and various cold related diseases. Fenugreek is soaked and sprouted and slow cooked to form a soup.
  1. Momocha
Small momos with Jhol achaar is what we call Momocha. Momocha is something different than regular dumplings in case of spices used and the jhol achaar it is served with.  
  1. Moong ko Titaura�
Titaura generally remind of sour strips of lapsi, but this titaura is something different. Moong Dal is soaked, ground and made into small balls and dried. Cooked with potatoes as a curry.
  1. Nhyapu
Goat brain is boiled, sliced and fried. Other animals' brain can also be used for the same dish.
  1. Niguro ko Tarkari
Niguro (Fiddehead Fern) is cooked with potatoes and tomatoes to make thick gravy style curry. This is also one of the popular curry items of the country.
  1. Pakku
Slow cooked mutton pieces is a Nepali version of Kebab, specially cooked in Dashain, Pakku is a delicacy consumed in almost every household.
  1. Pangra Fry
Fried Chicken Gizzard, a popular snack to have with drinks.
  1. PaniRoti
Wheat dough balls or strips are cooked in soup of vegetables, specially pumpkin vines and field peas. It is flavored with pure ghee and is a must dish in thuloekadashi.
  1. Paun Kwa�
Fresh or dried lapsi is cooked in water for a long time and is flavored with salt, sugar, little chilly and hing. The main purpose of this dish is to aid digestion after a heavy meal in bhoj.  
  1. Poleko Golbheda ko Achaar
Tomatoes are barbequed in coal or any other fire till it juices reduces to 25%, grinded into fine paste with salt, red chilllies, ginger garlic and timur. An everyday relish of Neplaese household.
  1. Pustakari�
Milk candy is what we can call pustakari. It is hardened milk candy, favorite of everyone, children to the elderly.  
  1. Puwa
Puwa is made from coarse rice flour, maize or semolina. Flour is soaked for a while, water is drained and fried in ghee till golden brown. Sweetened with Sugar.
  1. Rakti
Fresh Blood of Goat is fried into chunks and served.
  1. Rildok�
A kind on Gnocchi, this is a popular Sherpa stew of potato dumplings.  
  1. Sano Kerau ko Achaar
Field Peas or Small peas are available dried in market. They are oaked overnight and prepared into relish with mustard powder, mustard oil and ginger.
  1. Sanya Khuna
Similar process of Takhala is done but it is flavored with lots of dried fish paste and is spicy. It is taken as a relish rather than curry.
  1. Sapu Mhicha
A very unique on its own, this dish is not available everywhere as it's tough to create. Traditional old Newari restaurants generally have them in their list. Buffalo Leaf Tripe is stuffed with bone marrow, tied with a thread, boiled and then deep fried, served with salt, roasted cumin powder, timur and red chilly powder.
  1. Sargemba�
Sargemba is an important part of Limbu Cuisine. It is a blood sausage mixed with pork mince and edible wild moss, dried and boiled in ash.  
  1. Sekuwa
Sekuwa is available all over the country from big restaurants to small street vendors. Its marinated spicy flavorful barbequed pieces of meat.
  1. Sel�
One of the most famous dish among every community is Sel, a rice flour donut shaped dish consumed all year around and specially in festivals and rituals.  
  1. Shyakpa�
Shyakpa is a type of stew made by Sherpas with home made noodles and meat.
  1. Sidra ko Achaar
Small River Fish are cleaned and dried. It is then fried and blended with tomato, spices and green chillies are added to form a relish
  1. Sinki Achaar
Radish is fermented and dried to make sinki, Sinki Achaar is prepared with dried sinki soaked and marination is done.
  1. Sisnu ko Soup
Wild Nettle Leaves are considered very nutritious, they are tough to pick, but when cooked, they are magical in healing a lot of health issues.
  1. Sukuti Sandeko
Dried Meat of Water Buffalo, marinated with various spices, taken as a relish or a snack with drinks.
  1. Swon Puka
Swon (Lungs) of Water Buffalo or Lamb is stuffed with batter, boiled to set and fried.
  1. Taas
Tawa cooked thin slices of Mutton, Taas used to be very popular in Chitwan. But nowadays you can get Taas in every nook and corner of almost all cite of the country, aten with beaten or puffed rice.
  1. Takhala
Buff Meat with lots of skin is slow cooked for hours till the gelatin from bones and skins comes out. It is then set to gelatinize, is eaten cold.
  1. Tarulkotarkari
Wild Yam is cooked alone or with spinach to make a delicious starchy curry. Eaten with rice, wild yam and spinach curry is also a must dish in the list during Maghe Sankranti.
  1. Thekuwa�
A biscuit kind of deep fried dough taken with tea and snack.    
  1. Thotne ko Tarkari
Thotne is very sour and is available rarely. This is cooked into sour stew or curry with potatoes.
  1. Ti Sya�
Bone marrow of spinal cord of Water Buffalo is taken out very carefully, cut into pieces and deep fried.
  1. Tilauri
Sesame seed and cooked molasses balls, tilauri is consumed on Maghe Sankranti.
  1. Tsampa
Tsampa is Himalayan Staple food created from roasted flour, mainly buckwheat. Roasted flour or Satu is mixed with ghiuchiya and consumed as por
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