100 Ethnic Dishes of Nepal
We are sure that we might have missed some of ethnic dishes which you might feel should have included in the list. This might be merely due to our ignorance. We request our readers to share your knowledge about such dishes with us in the given email address at the end of this article so that we could include them in coming days.
Popular rice dish chamre is cooked by frying rice in ghee, water is added slowly, sweetened with sugar.
Nepal, though seems smaller in land area is indeed greater than large in terms of natural, cultural and ethnic diversity. This diversity has in recent days created some manageable problems or issues which a visionary political leadership can easily take on by widening their heart &stepping to resolve it.
Here, we are definitely not focusing on the problem but are discussing on the asset which we did not bother to even think of rather had been enjoying foreign delicacies. Some of the staple food of specific region of our country though rich in nutrition and cost effective to prepare, we have neglected to the extent of extinction. While researching on Nepali Ethnic food we came across more than hundred varieties; still the quest of this research has not come to the end. Here, we take the pleasure of presenting hundred ethnic dishes and their short description to celebrate 100th Issue of Food & Wine Magazine.�
- Aloo ko Achaar
- Baji Set
- Bangur ko Khutti ko Achaar
- Bara
- Bhakka�
- Bhatmas Sandeko
- Bhogate Sandeko
- Bhuttan
- Bilaura
- Chaku�
- Chamre�

- Chatamari
- Chhop
- Chhoyela
- Chichar
- Chicken Sandeko
- Chukauni
- Dahi Chamal
- Dalle Khursani ko Achaar
- Dhido
- Dhikri
- Fapar ko Roti
- Farsi ra Masuko Tarkari
- Fini
- Fulaura
- Furandana
- Gatani Dubka
- Ghalpula
- Ghongi�
- Gundpak�
- Gundruk ko Jhol
- Gwaramari
- Halwa Swari
- Ilamko Lollypop
- Jibro Tareko
- Jimbu le Jhaneko Maas ko Daal�
- Juju Dhau�
- Jwano ko Jhol
- Ka Kwa
- Kachila�
- Kasar
- Keema Anda
- Kera ko Bungo ko Achaar
- Khalpi��
- Khariya�
- Khatte�
- Khutti ko Suruwa
- Kinema
- Koiralo ko Achaar
- Kwati�
- Lai Kwa
- Lakhamari
- Lapsi Candy
- Lapsi ko Guliyo Achaar
- Local Kukhurako Jhol�
- Mada
- Makai Bhatmas
- Maseura
- Masyang ko Daal
- Mi Kwa
- Momocha�
- Moong ko Titaura�
- Nhyapu
- Niguro ko Tarkari
- Pakku
- Pangra Fry
- PaniRoti
- Paun Kwa�
- Poleko Golbheda ko Achaar
- Pustakari�
- Puwa
- Rakti
- Rildok�
- Sano Kerau ko Achaar
- Sanya Khuna
- Sapu Mhicha
- Sargemba�
- Sekuwa
- Sel�
- Shyakpa�
- Sidra ko Achaar
- Sinki Achaar
- Sisnu ko Soup
- Sukuti Sandeko
- Swon Puka
- Taas
- Takhala
- Tarulkotarkari
- Thekuwa�
- Thotne ko Tarkari
- Ti Sya�
- Tilauri
- Tsampa