Chief minister, Bhupesh�Bhagel took�to his social media and�drew�to�everyone in�the�state via�a video message to eat Bore�bassi and also�highlighted�its health benefits.
Bore�baasi is�a�freshening�and�heartening�rice preparation consumed in summer months in eastern states.�It�is�made�using�left over rice from the last�meal.�The�left-over�rice is soaked in water for at�least4-5 hours and consumed with�a�side dish, chutney and other�add-ons. Conventionally�consumed by�labour�and farmers, there are�several�nutritional benefits supplementary�to it that it�bust�all classbarriers to become the area�s�preferred�summer food.

It is also�known as�poita�Bhat�in Assam,�panta�Bhatin Bengal,�basi�Bhat�in Jharkhand�and pakhala�in Odisha.��It�s�great to see people of�Chhattisgarheating�borebassi on�Labour Day. �I�thank�all my fellow natives of the state for this�sincere effort�to preserve�and�promote its�traditional�food�heritage,�said�Baghel.�The CM also shared pictures of the security forces deployed in�anti-Naxal�operations relishing�Bore Baasi in the remote forest areas.�Apart from the people of�Chhattisgarh, many noted chefs and food influencers also shared their love for local delicacies on their social�media�platforms.�
Food�in an�essential�part of our�social�and civilizational identity. �It is great to see numerousstates making�earnest�efforts to�reserve�their�home-grown�food�legacy. Something each one of us must do for our�forthcoming�generations to�witness�it.